Definition – The network union is the antecedent of the network state: a social network with a blockchain, a leader and a purpose.
A Network Union Example
Consider an alternative to the World Health Organization; call it the Anti-World Health Organization (AWHO). This organization would be digital, decentralized, open, auditable, code based, and protected by encryption (the antithesis of the WHO!). AWHO would perform the following functions:
- Allow people to join & quit (multiple classes of members – donor members different from experts),
- Enlists credentialed experts – a way to recruit and make offers to attract experts,
- Assigns trust/credibility indicators,
- Accepts proposals from members and experts for studies/research or policy reviews,
- Allows for voting on proposals,
- Accepts donations from members,
- Manage the treasury,
- Distribute funds for approved research projects and studies,
- Monitors progress on projects,
- Publishes research and studies,
- Protects the authors’ identity, when appropriate, to avoid censorship or attacks.
Covid, and the response to it, seriously damaged the credibility of the health-care industry, pharma and science. Masks did not work until, suddenly, they did. Even when masks allegedly worked, anyone who looked could easily read a May 2020 meta study on the CDC website saying masks offer no protection. Big pharma tried to block the release of vaccine safety study data for 75 years. Doctors were told what to say and do to their patients and one doctor declared himself to be science in the flesh. It was all horribly anti-scientific. Enter the network union.
The AWHO could be used to crowd-fund robust health-policy science, where a variety of perspectives were explored. The pros and cons of many policy proposals could be debated in a nuanced discussion. Most importantly, the public would know who the scientists were, who they worked for and what biases or conflicts of interest might exist. Current practices for funding policy research are broken. Government funded science is politics by other means.
Additional Network Union Ideas
Digital Asset Registry – A distributed version of the SEC. A union of digital asset issuers, users and investors who come together for common sense and practical regulation of digital assets. Why should people and companies passively wait for regulation? After Bernie Madoff, Enron, MCI Worldcom, 2008 financial collapse and FTX, how do legacy regulators have any credibility?
Truth Union – An independent producer of truth and a direct assault on the university and media systems. This institution places NO confidence in other institutions. The organization can remain prudently silent on any issue it wishes to. The Truth Union can present all coherent arguments on evolving debates but it CAN NEVER BE WRONG. The sole product here is reliability. For additional ideas on this topic review the “Antiversity” idea presented by Mencius Moldbug aka Curtis Yarvin in “Unqualified Reservations.”
Digital Worker Guild –The current nation states with their borders, passports and visas impose significant barriers on high value workers with low value nationalities. What would happen if 200,000 or more high value workers joined a network union called the Digital Worker Guild. The Guild would: 1) conduct security due diligence on all its members; 2) post bond to ensure lawful behavior of its members; and 3) guarantee no asylum, health care or welfare claims or costs to any nation state offering member access to their country. In return for easier border crossings and the ability to work digitally within its borders, the host country would receive payment/revenue. A network union of this type could recruit talented new members and subsidize talent unable to pay, in exchange for later payment. The network union would effectively act as a career accelerator and mentor while paving a path for talented workers to relocate to high value communities.
Network Unions – A Super Flexible Digital Institution
Network unions could have broad adoption by all kinds of organizations. In addition to use by people, network unions could be used by non-person entities such as companies, unions, governments, associations, industries, and clubs that seek to organize for collective action. Utilizing a network union structure as opposed to a legacy structure (LLC or corporation) would facilitate acting in a digitally enabled, open, trustless and auditable manner. Furthermore, by organizing as a network union, arbitrary and self-serving actions of internal power players would be replaced with processes enshrined in computer code, providing consistency and transparency for all organizational activities. Network unions will be the jet engines for a powerful and peaceful revolution that builds parallel institutions addressing the needs and wants of ordinary people.
- Part I – Definition, Introduction and Frontiers
- Part II – On Leviathans: God, State, Network
- Part III – Problems Solved by the Network State
- Part IV – Trends Driving the Network State
- Part V – Designing a Startup Society and Building a Network State
- Part VI – Network Unions
- Part VII- The Impact of Network States, Two Predictions and One Question